May 11th 2024

Salt Nic or Freebase Nicotine? Which one is the perfect match for you?

Imagine it's the era of the late 90s, and you are thinking of the invention and innovation of the upcoming era. The world of innovation is at its peak, and many are predicting flying cars or high-rise buildings. But no one would have predicted vaping. Who would ever think that we can have our fair share of nicotine hit electronically? But here we are, witnessing the vaping world paving its way through the nicotine industry. And it only keeps getting better and better with its various types of e-cigs, flavors and nicotine strength.

You might be aware of some of the famous debates like cats or dogs, coffee or tea. Similarly, whether you are a veteran or a newbie vaper, you must have heard of the famous discussion called, "Which one is better?  Salt Nics? Or Freebase E-liquid?” It is pretty understandable as it can get challenging to choose the best vaping type which suits your taste as well as preference, especially for people switching from smoking to vaping. Moreover, they are some of the famous types of vaping in the e-cigarette world. Therefore, let's dig deeper into this topic and (try to) determine which one is the better match for you.

What is Salt Nic E-liquid?

Salt Nicotine (also known as Nicotine Salts or Nic Salts) has become famous in recent years due to its convenient and serene functions. So, why did they become so popular upon their introduction? To comprehend that, we need to understand what exactly Salt Nic E-liquid is. Nic Salts are a type of e-liquid made up of naturally found nicotine from tobacco leaf with minor modifications. They are mixed with an acid such as benzoic acid to make them more bioavailable, which can help the users reach higher nicotine levels without the harsh throat hit. The usage of acid is to lower the pH level, which causes a smoother throat sensation.

Salt Nic’s tend to come in 50:50 ratios of Vegetable glycerin (VG) and Propylene glycol (PG), the two main ingredients of vapes. They are usually the go-to vaping type for former smokers as they give the same hit, which recreates the feeling of smoking. Salt Nics are manufactured for lower-wattage devices, which are easier to use. They are a perfect vape for people who are transitioning from cigarettes to vaping or for novice vapers.

Salt Nics are said to deliver higher nicotine hits because they are directly derived from tobacco leaves. However, different acids, like benzoic acid, are blended with them to reduce the amount of alkaline, which causes less throat hit.

What is Freebase E-liquid?

Salt Nic vapes are indeed a good choice. But we need to talk about the Freebase e-liquids. Traditionally, people have been consuming freebase e-liquids. They have been around since vaping was introduced. So, what is it? Unlike Salt Nic, there is little to no chemical in Freebase-nicotine E-liquid (also known as conventional nicotine or Freebase nicotine juice); therefore, they are known to have the purest form of nicotine. They are the most common form of e-liquid, and they are also found in traditional cigarettes. Therefore, they are the most bioavailable way to get the nicotine in the system.

Rather than adding additional chemicals, freebase e-liquids are chemically altered to give you that nicotine hit. It is made by removing excess chemicals and protons from natural nicotine substances. This enhances the functionality of the nicotine without affecting the dose. For these e-liquids, the pH level is usually higher when ammonia is added to pure nicotine. They can be a perfect match for an individual who doesn’t want the overwhelming amount of nicotine entering their body. Freebase e-liquids are manufactured for higher-wattage devices that can produce denser clouds.

This type of e-liquid can be more suitable for individuals who have been vaping for a while. They are known to have lower nicotine strength compared to Salt Nics. However, they have an alkaline imbalance due to higher pH level, which can cause harsh throat hits.

Pros and Cons of Salt Nic

Now that we are somewhat aware of both vapes let’s discuss their benefits and downsides. As discussed earlier, Salt nic was introduced only in recent years, but it was still well-received by the vape community. So, what makes them so popular? We think the below points might answer the question; therefore, let’s look at the pros of using Salt Nic E-liquids:-

Quick Absorption Rate: Salt Nics are derived from the tobacco leaf, which means the absorption rate into your bloodstream is much quicker.

Smoother Throat Hit: Nic salts deliver a smoother throat hit due to their acidic component and low pH level.

Long-lasting Usage: As Salt Nics can deliver a high nicotine rush quickly; it reduces the long inhaling session. For example - a freebase 18 milgram will feel a lot harsher in comparison to 20 mil gram salt nic.

Beginner-friendly: Salt Nic is the perfect choice for beginner vapers as it gives a high nicotine rush without any harsh throat hit.

While there are many more benefits of using salt nic, we shouldn’t forget that there are many people who don’t prefer this kind of vape. This is not because of the quality of the vape or manufacturing, but it could be due to its function not being suitable for a few vape users. Therefore, let’s look at the cons of using Salt Nic e-liquid:-

Less cloud production: Salt nic produces less vapor compared to freebase e-liquid. Therefore, it can be a drawback for cloud production fans.

Higher Nicotine concentration: Salt nics contains higher nicotine concentration which can make some vapers feel nauseated and dizzy due not being used to it.

Pros and Cons of Freebase Nic

Salt Nics are indeed the new and advanced way of vaping. However, we shouldn’t forget that freebase e-liquids are kind of veterans of the vaping industry. Many people still prefer them over Salt Nic or any other type of e-liquid. There must be some reason why people still favor Freebase-liquids. Therefore, let’s look at some of the pros of using Freebase Nic:-

Purest Form of Nicotine: Freebase Juices are said to be the purest form of nicotine as they contain no additives, which is suitable for people with lower nicotine requirements.

Dense Cloud Production: Freebase produces denser and thicker clouds than Salt Nic, which attracts cloud chasers.

Wide Range of Flavors: Freebase Nics are available in a variety of flavors, and as there are no additives, they can appeal to a large audience of vapers who prefer flavors in their e-cigs.

Slower Absorption Rate: Even though Freebase is said to absorb slower than Salt Nic, it stays much longer in your system, which can give you a longer nicotine hit.

Freebase e-liquids have been in this market for a longer period of time; however, many new types of vape have been introduced, which may overcome the drawbacks of Freebase. Therefore, let’s look at some of the cons of using freebase vapes.

High Throat Hit: Due to its purest form of nicotine, Freebase can deliver quite a harsh throat, which can repel a few users.

Shorter Shelf Life: Freebase e-liquids typically last 3-8 months compared to salt nics, which last 7-12 months. This is due to the pure nicotine present in them, which can oxidize over time.

Which one is better for you?

Now that we have covered almost all aspects of these renowned e-liquids, it is time to determine which one is better for you. Well, if you are a fan of vaping, it’s kind of both. The answer to this question is somewhat more ambiguous than definite. If we go through everything we have discussed so far, we can agree that these vapes are made to appeal to the vape community and fulfill their nicotine requirements.

Salt Nics can be a good match for individuals who like a quick nicotine hit with a smoother throat hit. Whereas Freebase e-liquid is preferable to individuals who enjoy slower absorption of nicotine and harsh throat hits. At the end of the day, it all depends on the user what they would like to try.

Many former smokers are inclined towards Freebase e-liquids if they want the same feeling as smoking cigarettes. However, some smokers will move towards Salt Nics as they tend to hit high nicotine quickly, which can appeal to them. This example itself determines that there are always options available that can be preferable for you, and it’s up to you to decide.

So, it’s time to sit back and relax, as we’ve got you covered for both of the products. We at  Adyah Wholesale have some of the best Salt Nics and Freebase e-liquids, which will surely fulfill your needs with some of the top-notch vape brands. Visit now and have a delightful puff experience.